Cute Quiz


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Post how many you chose that most resembled your actions..and later today I will post the results so you can see just how bad you have "it" :D.

* "it" being the betta bug.

1. You let your water age for a day or more, just to be sure. Even though you know the water is safe seconds after adding your dechlorinator.

2. You can't stop yourself from checking out the selection of bettas in every pet store, even if you already have close to a multitude already.

3. You find yourself looking at girl bettas that would look beautiful with your favorite betta boys, even if you don't plan to breed.

4. You are constantly thinking of cool things that would fit in your betta tank, because your betta needs new toys.

5. You watch your betta at work when you should be doing something else, and encourage your co-workers to come see "the cute thing he's doing".

6. You're always looking through your favorite old novels to come out with the best names for your new bettas.

7. You can't resist buying all kinds of expensive treats for your betta, because he enjoys his food so much.

8. Your family wonders when you "think" you will have enough bettas.

9. At the most minute sign of fin rot, you immediately break out the aquarium salt, bettafix, tetracycline, pH adjuster, or other med of choice, to mix up an emergency medical cocktail.

10. You have been known to sneak new bettas into your house when no one is home, so your family won't know the extent of your addiction.
Sigh.... at the mo MBS hasn't set in. But it will soon- All i need is a biiit of space and a 11 litre with a nice red/blue betta in will appear like magic :)
1-3 checked - Unsuspecting Betta Victim
You obviously are still green to this betta game. Get a few more bettas and check back later.

4-6 checked - Betta Slave
You are a typical betta owner/slave. You decorate your new betta tanks to match your betta. You change out “toys” weekly, so your bettas don’t get bored. People have seen you dance around in happiness at the sight of your boy’s first real bubble nest.

7-9 checked - Betta Addict
You check TTF every morning, at lunch, when you are having a snack, while cooking dinner (careful you don’t burn the pot roast though), after a bath, and just before bedtime for your betta fix. You are thinking of growing Brine Shrimp and Daphina as treats for your favorite bettas, and have tried to convince all your family and friends that they too, should get a betta of their own (but preferably more then 1).

All 10 checked - Hopeless Case
You knowingly realize that you do, indeed, have a problem. There are no more horizontal surfaces available in your home. You have betta pictures in your wallet and your own children are jealous. TTF is probably your default HomePage. Even though you are aware of your condition, you refuse treatment.

Repeat after me: "My name is [___________________], and I am a betta slave."
I'm all but #1 as well...except I don't have to sneak any home..I just keep them at work :lol: .
Well, I don't have to sneak any home yet cuase my wife isn't home right now. 2 more months till she is home, then I will have to start sneaking them in. Even though I only have 5 symptoms (6 when my wife gets home), from SRC's descreptions I'm in the Betta Addict section. TFF is up on my browser probably 80% of the day, I have been thinking of starting a brine shrimp culture, I bought a betta for my parents house so I wouldn't have to be away from bettas when I'm away from home, and I have tried to convince my friends to fill all the flat spaces in their house with betta bowls/tanks.

Edited to add: Um :-( , I looked at the list again. #4 is me too. *sigh*
It's sad that I decided to count the ones that DON'T apply to me, since there are much fewer of those. :X
I'm all but 1 and 5... sigh... Addict. :S

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