Cute Mouse Feeding:)


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2011
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caught this guy in my basement..thought why not make a video of it before releasing it so I did :nod:

That's way to tame for a wild mouse, or at least every wild mouse I have had the job of catching, the rotters have teeth and aren't afraid to take a chomp :crazy: . How far away did you let it go? I can almost gaurentee that it would have already found it's way back to your basement unless you took it miles away.
Currently my dopey cat is finally recatching all the mice she has been letting go inside the house.

Very nice video and almost makes me relent and say mice aren't so bad, and then I remember their smell, the fact they breed like mad and that when mice are around in numbers it's a sure bet that Eastern Brown snakes are close behind.
i wouldnt doubt that it found its way back into my house lol.. I released it in my backyard. It's a good thing that there aint much venomous snakes around here though

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