Cute Corys!


Dec 26, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Ok i've got a large community tank, with a smaller breeding tank directly next to it.

I had 6 corys in the main tank, but i've transferred two to the breeder tank next door.

Now they're sat look at eachother n swimming up the glass trying to get to eachother lol it's so cute. Should i just move the lil fellas back?
You should keep the 6 together. How big is the breeder tank? If it is at least 10 usg, you can put six in to breed. They will be hapier and more inclined to breed in a large group. For breeding you would want to do frequent cool water changes anyway. I keep many more than 6 Corys in 10 usg. They like the frequent water changes and are not a very dirty fish.
hi no sorry i didnt explain properly.

The breeder tank has guppys in which are breeding, just put the 2 corys in temporarily so they can clean up etc.

Would they breed whilst the guppies were there?? Also... the breeder tank is around 30 litres, the community tank 120 litres
If they are mature and have a female, then it is always possible that Corys will breed. But you will have better odds, imo, with a large group than with two. Corys breed when they sense that the conditions are right for the fry. good clean water, high protein food, no other residents that they feel threatened by, and a group large enough to feel safe in. The more the merrier with Corys.
cool well i've since reunited them! they're happy again now :)

And yes my water conditions are pretty good, feed them a good diet and also i've built a cave in there which they always group in lol, then go for a little swim around the tank together!

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