Well, you have probably all heard of clownfish hosting with wierd objects like powerheads when there isnt an anemone present. But how about another fish? I have a yellow watchman goby{who sits on the bottom, which is maybe y my clarkii picked him as opposed to any one else} and for a while we thought my clarkii clown was just being a bully because he was the biggest, annoying the territorial goby by nestling up by him next to his burrow. But after a while, the goby stopped opening his mouth at him and pushing him away, and was accepting the attention in a more positive way. He would go rub against him in the same way they would do an anemone. Then a few days later, the clown started catching food and bringing it to the goby, as if he couldnt feed himself. Then the next day, he picked up a hermit crab and a snail and brought it to the goby like he was giving him presents! Maybe to get the goby to get him to like him more, because he wasnt too fond of him, but also didnt islike him anymore. So we have come to the conclusion that he thinks it is his duty to take care of the goby, like his "anemone."