Cute Betta Story


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mexico City, Mexico
I just wanted to share the adorable, unexpected thing my betta Mr. Magoo did

I was just about to change his water when I notice a small fly resting on his bowl. I shoo it away but it flies around the bowl and Mr. Magoo was chasing it all over the place darting back and forth to try and catch it :wub: And I named him Mr. Magoo cause I thought he couldn't see properly, oh Mr. Magoo I love you :wub:

Do you guys have any cute stories you'd like to share? :nod:
lol my betta ma'zen likes rock music :D he kind darts around and suff, its cool. iv seen my fish chase bugs around the bowl before to, they love watching the world go by outside their bowls :D
I have several pea and veggie stories.

One of the pieces of califlaur I was feeding them was too big... but the fish insisted on chasing it for an hour. Everytime I tried to take it, he would catch it and run away with it.

To say the least, I had to break it up for him. But my fish love califlair. I'm going to get some for them when I get back from vacation so they forgive me for leaving them alone for 2 days.
Well I got 2

1st I had bought a laser pointer and I was playing around with it My betta he kept following the pointer around his tank. He tried to bite it but u knwo.... :rolleyes:

2nd I gave my betta Mr.Tails some peas he couldnt eat it. So I was chasing him to break it he kept in his mouth till he droped it finally gave a BIG bite and ate it... :wub:
I feed mine raw, chopped up into fine pieces so they can munch away to their hearts desire. If I plan on letting them play with it, I give them a piece far too big for them, then break it up for them after they are done chasing it around their section of the tank.

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