Cut me a betta tank


Jun 18, 2004
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Hi, I'm curious and interested. I want to make myself a nice, divided, and wide betta tank. I have or am going to have 7-9 bettas, so I want to buy a tank that can be divided so they have a confortable amount of room. The way I was planning on dividing the tank would be to divide one down the length of the tank, and then the rest divided along the width.

My two questions are, what size tank do you think would be good for this, and secondly, how would I go about cutting it?
You can use plexiglass..and either cut it yourself with a glass cutter, or have the hardware store cut it when you buy the plexiglass.. Last min. adjustments can be done with a sander. Drill small holes in it to allow water to pass through. I measure and make a grid system on the glass, marking with a water cleanable marker. There are also dividers you can purchase for most size tanks..Use aquarium glue to hold dividers in place. It just takes a drop at top and bottom. I am using both types. I do recommend glueing in place. A razor will take glue off glass easy. The long 55 has a divider in it I made.


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I already have a ton of plexi-glass purchased and ready for cutting. The only problem I have is which size tank to get so I can cut in half and divide the tank 8 ways.

I was thinking a 30 and cut it in half, making a long 15, and then dividing it.
as you know i built me a 120 gallon tank out of plexiglass, and have learned some valuable lessons.
#1 use acrylic cement. Silicone will not hold water pressure (I found out while leak testing)
#2 after the acrylic cement cures and dries, use silicone in the seems, i did this for 2 reasons, to cover up the glue that was used and also give a water proof seal.
#3 make sure the plexiglass is thick enough. If the walls are too thin, it will break on you when you last expect it.
#4 and this is the reason I had to modify my tank. Make sure you can access the tank at the deminsions you make, I made mine too tall. Now my 120 is a 60 gallon tank ;) I can also make more tanks :whistle: (no room for that right now)
heh, sorry if I come out annoying, but how did you CUT the tank in half....

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