Well, as my poll shows XD I was thinking of trying to build a custom tank, since most tanks seem more suited to fish that need airation in the water, and thus are often quite deep. It would be 24 inches long, 12.1 inches wide and 12.1 inches tall... wasn't sure what width glass I would need if I did decide to do this. I was thinking If I did this I would have a tank for three males and then the three in the back could be 'spares' for if I get an overly agressive female or if I see a -MUST HAVE- fish one day while out shopping. XD Or I could put all 6 compartments with males. XD does an 8x6x10 sound good for each one? Or do you think I should not have 'front and back' compartments, and just not have it be as wide? 24x 7 or 8 x 12 and make two like this?