Curveir's Birchor Compatable?


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I'm getting a 55 gallon tank in about two months. I'm putting my ropefish in it from my 30 gallon. I was browsing through the internet and saw a Curveir's Birchir. Are they compatable? Will the Birchir even be okay in that size of a tank? Thanks.
yes they will be fine Curviers bichir correct name is Polypterus senegalus senegalus -Anne
Great, thanks for the info guys. I can wait for the new tank. Oh by the way, i'm curious, Could I put another Ropefish in there too, with the Birchir and the present ropefish?
Sure ropes are the most social of the family polypteride and seem to do better your rope should max out at 15'' in the wild they grow much longer, and your sensgal should max out at 10-12" femlaes tend to be larger than males -Anne

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