Curved Spine Baby Guppies


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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I had 60 new babys born two weeks ago and it seems that 4 have curved spines. I know that you have to light on them and that you have to rotate their food. I failed to rotate their food one week and I bet that had something to do with it. I have been rotating with crushed flakes and Bloodworms. I have been just feeding them flakes for a while. Also, when I saw that they had the cuved spines I checked the Nitrate and it was very high so I siphoned about 50% (5 gal. tank) out and I'm planning on siphoning more out tomorrow. I also added salt too. Does anyone know what caused this?

P.S.: I'm going to be showing, Pyrite one of my male guppies at the fair on Wed. :D
Don't worry it's not the food that's causing it. Well you see sometimes when guppy fry are born, they well... have problems with them. For ect bent head, spines ect. It's not your fault here but it is best to cull these guys. You wouln't want them to grow up and start breeding... and producing more funny guppies. Sorry... :-(
Theres an article in this months Tropical Fish Keping about curvature of the spine.

It says:

The most common causes of spinal deformity in fish are internal mycobacterial infestion that damages the bones; old age; a nutritional problem, such as lack of bone building minerals in the diet; or a developmental deformity, perhaps genetic.

There is little you can do other than treating them in isolation with an anti-bacterial remedy.
I had a female guppy that way and she had normal fry.

I had a baby guppy that couldn't swim at all unless she wanted to go round and round all day long she died and I'm glad I've still got 9 out of the 12 she had I don't have the mother any more she died about a week ago to Ick and finrot nothing I could do for her she was to far gone but she had the babies while she was really really sick.... I guess she wanted her babies to live

Here was the mommy fish a day before she had her fry and then died

I have a baby that was born with a small fin on one side and now at almost 2 months old I don't know which one is him now till he goes to the bottom of tank....

All 64 fry are doing well

I only feed mine crushed flakes
The only bad thing they have going for them is that they are Fat little things lol

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