

Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2005
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I have a tank in my bedroom that I actually have on a night schedule. The tank light is on at night and off during the day. The room gets almost no light whatsoever during the day since the one window is covered in heavy, black material, so it is as dark as night for the fish.

So far, it doesn't seem to bother the fish. During the day, they act like it's night and at night, they act like it's day. Has anyone else done this? If so, was there ever any adverse effects on the fish? Thanks.
I wouldn't have thought so as long as they are getting enough "night"; i get up very late and go to bed very late, so to avoid my fish getting no sleep i do somthing very similar to you and have been for a year now and the fish are fine :thumbs:
Well, they get at least eight hours of 'night' every day while I'm at work. I figure, I can enjoy them better in the evening, when I'm actually at home, so they can sleep while I'm at work. *grin*
I been researching recently into the benefets of keeping a tanks lights turned off for long peiods of time, and it is true it improves the fish's health/well being the longer the tank lights are turned off- i actually now believe it helps fish recover from deseases as i've had a couple recently and they have recoved twice as fast with longer periods of darkness time in the tank.
After this research i'd only recommend having the tank lights on for a max of 8hrs.
Nothing wrong with having the cycle backwards, I used to do the same thing for the tank in my room.

FYI in the wild many fish don't experience pitch night, near the equator especially it can be quite bright.
But if you also consider that no lake or river is ever as bright as what a pair of lights will do to a tank, tanks can still be very bright- either way im just stating that i've noticed a general improvement in my fish's health since i started leaving the tank lights off for longer :nod:
Well, I would think for a sick fish that more darkness would be helpful. Kinda like when you've got a cold. More sleep helps you recover faster. However, when you're well, too much sleep can lead to lethargy and other problems. I also have to take into account that that tank is heavily planted. The plants need light. My hospital tanks only get ambient light, except for one that I use to closely examine a sick fish. It does seem to help a lot.

I think for a regular, healthy tank, the regular amount of light would be fine, although I do recommend heavy planting and stuff that casts shadows for the fish to rest in if they wish.

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