Curious questions


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2003
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Why is it that when you buy a shoal of tetras there is always one that wont shoal with the rest and wants to do its own thing? What size do angelfish really grow to and what size are yours. Why when you have a small shoal of angels does one never grow very much? These are curious questions or maybe fish really have a personality. Any more curious questions?
wow, :)
your just full of questions

there are different reasons for anti social behavior in schooling fish, sometimes it is due to an illness or stress, but more often then not, fish do have personalities
not as complex as human personalities of course but, sometimes fish just want to be alone
you'll find loners in ANY species of fish
their little oddballs that prefer their own company and personally i find them inspiring :D
why follow the group when you can adventure on your own and live by your own rules? ;)

as for the angel fish, they can range in sizes from 4"-8"
my angel is 6"
and once again there are different reasons for the "runt" of the school
angels are percieved as hearty and strong due to their size, but i have (due to weak breeding) seen how truly finicky they can be
they are the only fish i have seen go on a hunger strike and refuse to eat for what apears to be no reason at all
if there is ANY stress in the water or they are uncomfortable in any way they will often appear "not to grow"
this caused by malnutrition
they can also be shy when it comes to feeding in a group, often missing feedings due to too much hesitation
these can sometimes be causes for mysterious deaths
although this is not true in all angels it isn't uncommon

hope this helps (i'm a big geek when it comes to useless facts :p

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