Curious about Flora?

Guppy Mama

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
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Well, after Flora swam through the tank that afternoon she has largely confined herself to the bottom of the tank in a corner. Her body only shows a hint of the curvature from before. I still do not know why she looked as though she had tetnus...stiff.

Anyway, Ithought maybe she was returning to her death bed, but in the last few days she has ventured out of her corner. Once to eat and once for a lap around the tank. I noticed that all that time sitting on the bottom had given her a bit of fin rot...which is just about all better w/Melafix.

One thing, I need help: I think she still has a bacteria. Her eyes look a little bulgy compared to the other fish. I do not know what antibiotic to use to treat Popeye, since I do not know what bacterias cause it.

Can you please advise me as to what medicine to use? I think we have a real fighter in dear Flora. I wanna help put this near death experience to rest with a clean bill of health!!!

P.S. I am going to get a cable to hook my digital camera up to my computer, as I have photographed her for you!
Ok sorry for the late reply. It sounds like one disease may have lead to another as the weak fish becomes more vanerable. A broad spectrum anit biotic may be able to help, like Interpet #9 or Tetracycline.

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