Curious about adding some fish to my 20g

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Apr 23, 2003
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Hello all!

I have a twenty gallon tank with the following:

Aquaclear 200 filter
Plastic :*) plants
6 buenos aires tetras
1 neon - don't get mad at me, his friends died of Ich and I plan to give him 6 new buds!
2 small (2 inch) Clown loaches
1 small blind albino african frog

I will, as stated, soon bring my neon total to 7. After that, however, I would like to add some kind of centerpiece fish (not angels, however - I don't want dead tetras!). Any comments and ideas are welcome :) !
You may want to get cardinal tetras instead of neons, they are much less susceptible to disease and will also live a lot longer! The only bad thing is they are not as easy as neons to breed. You could try getting a pretty ancistrus pleco, it will have to be ancistrus (dwarf) as some plecos will soon outgrow your 20gallon tank, if you get a not so pretty bristlenose it will take care of any algae (except greenspot) nicely.

There are many other species of tetras you could try or if you'd like to try some really simple fish to breed then guppies who can be quite beautiful :) Although you will soon be overun by babies!! ;)
Just remember that the clown loaches are going to get pretty big, up to 30 centimetres, and you may find that they are going to outgrow this tank quickly.
You should try to up grade to a nice canister filter. Also what size is your tank a 20 long or tall?

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