Might be the wrong section but will answer anyway Yes it can. Best bet is to put it in a poly box with a wet towel or paper around it to kep it damp in transit. Depending on how far it has to travel there will be some die off but if its done for next day delivery it should be fine.
Only thing Im not sure of is if you need to pack a heat pack with it or not (given that its really cold at the moment, at least in the UK). Would probably be a good idea but might be able to get away without it.
Heat is no issue. When we get the stuff at work, the couirer has been know to leave it in the carpark without telling up for a couple of hours before we open up when air temperatures are well into the minuses with no heatpacks and the rock is always fine. If anything, it cures again quicker if it is kept cool Also, 48 hours delivery time is sometimes common near christmas, and again, seems not to caurse any issues...