hi i am going to purchuse some live rock and have been told that you some times get polyps and stuff on them and that polyps can sting and have nasty effects and was wondering can i place it in aquarium with bear hands
Its personal preferance, I used gloves at first as I had heard lots of horror stories. But as I got more confident I stopped. I use gloves now if my hands are going to be in the tank for more that 10mins at a time (i.e.scaping etc) as salt can cause minor skin irration in some people. And always where gloves if your mixing salt with your hands as direct contact can burn sensertive skin.
The corals are more about protecting the coral from you rather than the other way round, though certain ones can sting quite badly your more likley to harm it, also if you have creams or detergents etc on your skin this can be very harmfull to a reef tank. If your nervous then use them , nothing worse than being on edge and droping rock into a tank in panic
Agreed, if you're nervous, wear gloves, of not, don't bother. Just remember, do NOT rub your eyes/nose/mouth before taking your gloves off, or washing your hands with soap and water. And if you do use a towel to dry your hands, dont wipe your face with the towel
Lastly, if you live in the States, your chances of getting polyps on the rock are very slim due to our strict CITES regulations. If you're elsewhere in the globe, you've got a better chance of getting polyps on the rock.