Cure for Swim Bladder Disease?

You could try Interpet's anti internal bacteria med, it is good. Unfortunately this is 1 hard disease to cure and sadly most fish die from it. Sorry can't help more. :(
It may simply be constipation rather than swim bladder. Try isolating him for 3 days without food and then feed him a cooked, shelled pea. Peas act as a laxative and should solve the problem. If you don't want to isolate him, you may try feeding the entire tank some peas. Most fish love them and it would be good for them. Make sure to remove the shells though as their systems can't digest the shell/hull.
Try the shelled peas and some daphnia as some one has suggested, to see how the fish goes with the peas, swim bladder is incurable i'm afraid once is has progressed.
Isolate the fish to a breeding net; the shallow water and small space helps the fish maintain balance, i would feed the above foods mentioned and treat the fish with the interpet med and try to keep water quality as good as posible.
For isolation purposes, see if you can find a breeder box. I used one to treat a cory with swimmbladder/constipation problems.The dimensions are about 8' x 4" x 4". It is slotted so water passes through and has a lid so the fish can't jump out. It attachs to the inside of the tank with suction cups. I didn't use any medication on him. The pea did the trick. If you do decide to use meds, make sure you don't use anything that kills your bacteria colony.
my fish had that, we tried lots of cures recommended, most what you guys said, and he still died :( :( :( :( I am still really sad from it.... Most fish will die from it, and there is nothing you can do about it.
hope your fishy makes it :/
I lost one to swim bladder, it breaks your heart to see them so helpless.
these guys ^ have given you some awesome tips.
I wrote them down if I ever have need of them in the future ;)
best of luck
Hi spookykid927 :)

I'm sorry to hear about your fish. The most terrible part of having a fish with it is that you feel so helpless when you watch the poor thing.

Swim bladder disease is often fatal to fish, but not always. Sometimes they show symptoms if they have been injured while being netted or transported, or from some other reason. In this case, they often recover. Just try to keep them calm and hope for the best.

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