Cure for algea?


New Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Manchester UK
The glass on my tank is getting full of algea quicker than usual, other than another Pleco and more frequqnt water changes, is there anything i can do to slow it down or even stop it?
Yes but you need to answer a few questions. How long is your light on? Is it on continuous during that time? Does the tank get any direct sunlight? what are your nitrate and phosphate readings if you can test for them? Are you over feeding the fish? And finally what type or types of algae do you have? How big is the tank? Sorry for all the questions. just answer the ones you can for now and if needed we can deal wit the rest. Keep us posted :)
don't us chemicals as they only add to the problem the water in manchester (i asume ur profile is still up-to-date) is pritty polllutied and so i recomend RO water it will take a few months b4 u get a real change but it'll be worth it and try turning ur light on for 8hrs if there are no plants and 12hrs if there are plants.
If you have no life plant, it might be a good idea to switch the lights on only when you are there to view the fish for a week or two, but if you have plants, It would be helpfull if you could answer the questions tstenback asked so we can help look for the reason its growing, and help you getting rid of it.
It coul be overfeeding (especially with food with a high phosphorous content), too much light, high phosphates in your tap water etc. I would cut back on feeding and only put the light on when you are in the room. Other than that, more regular water changes (if your water is low on phosphates), a good magnet cleaner, or a few bristlenose plecs would be the best options.

I wouldn't use chemicals on it, and some pH fixing liquids contain high phosphates as well, the only other treatment I would recommend is a phosphate removing product like phoszorb that doesnt pollute the water further.


i ws chatting to a well trusted LFS today (i know they are rare!!)
apparently tap water in our area is high in phosphates... so i'm giving myself the problem with water changes...

apparently bottled water is a good alternative to the expense of setting up an RO system...
I dont check for phosphates anyone recomend a good test kit for it?

Everything else is ok, PH is 6.6 though it could be a little higher, could this be adding to it??

After reading your replies i think it could be a mixture of overfeeding and having the lights on for 18 hours a day, its T5 lighting too :( will try and cut down on both.

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