cucumbers for clown loach


This picture just won champion in BW flowers!! YAY
Dec 13, 2002
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First place at State 4-H horse show!! WHOOEE!!
Hi everybody,
I have a quick question here. Lately I've been feeding my clown loach (very soon to be 4 loaches) a slice of cucumber every 2-4 days, or really when he finishes it. Is it bad to feed him too much cucumber? Or should I alternate with other veggie foods, and if so, what? He LOVES the cucumber, and will gobble it up in no time. He's now in a 29 gallon with 2 dojo loaches and a bunch of danios (which will go in another tank soon). I am going to stock it with about 6 juvenile yellow labs after I get the danios out, and 3 more clown loaches.
cucumbers fine :) - but also make sure they get a varied diet :nod:

www :)
exactly (what wetwetwet said), mine love cucumber but i only feed that once or twice a week or so. try to make sure they have a vaired diet
mine eat pellets, flakes (they'll come right up to the surface), frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, algae (or spirulina) wafers, pretty much anything i put in there, they'll eat.
I give mine peas, lettuce (They seem to only eat lettuce at night), flake food and frozen brine shrimp. I'll try some cucumber later.
I'd reccomend taking it out after a day - 2 at a max.
It decomposes quite fast and can go toxic (or not very nice at least) as we lost a whole batch of bristle nose fry to a 2 day old bit of cucumber :(
I personally can never get my clown loaches to eat cucumber, so I wouldn't know. :p
Cucumbers/zucchini should really only be fed once every week or so.

Aside from that....frozen bloodworms, tubifex worms, beefheart, melons, banana, lettuce, boiled peas, flakes, sinking pelllets, and algae wafers are all tasty treats for your clowns. Pretty much if it's food, they'll eat it. :D
Hi... i put cucumber in with my clown loaches 4 the 1st time the other day... they looked so happy about it they wolfed it down, sat on top of it huging it ang generally playing around with it.
Darn they loved it. Will b giving them that again. They're also Very partial 2 the blood worm and daphnia! (LIVE)
I alweays feed them live food to,wonder if you can introduce any nasties into the tank with the live -_-

Mine love cucumber to :thumbs:
cucumber works very well, but zucchini probably is better. :thumbs:

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