

New Member
May 12, 2004
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I was told by a friend that you can put cucumber in the tank and the loaches will eat it. Is this true? Is this Okay? Will It affect any of the other fish in my 30 gallon? My fish are listed below.
You can heat the cucumbers or decide not to. I think the latter is better because the food doesn't break apart as easily that way.

If you remove the cucumbers within a few hours, the other fish should have no problem with it. Now that I looked at your signature again, you might want to try other greens, too, seeing as how all of the tank inhabitants are at least somewhat partial to greens.

Tips: Remove the seeds. You might want to remove the skins. My research tells me that it lacks nutrition.


Side note: Wouldn't you like to diversify the tank inhabitants? A tank devoted to just bottom feeders isn't nearly as interesting as a community tank with fish in all strata. Not jus\dging, of course. You do what you like. :D
I feed all of my Loaches, several species on:

Cucumber (sometimes blanched)
Shelled Peas
Brine Shrimp
Various other commercailly prepared foods.

It will be fine to feed your tank cucumber but remove remains after 24 hours to make sure the water is not affected.
I feed my loaches cucumber at least a couple of times a week. They all attack the same peice (dispite the fact I put 3 pieces in) and keep going till all the middle has gone then they move on to the next piece.

Meanwhile the plec moves in for the kill and promply clears up the remainder including the skin.

They love cucumber but also like shelled peas, sprouts, beans, bloodworm, flake, potato and brine shrimp.
My Fish All Like to munch on Cucumber.

But if you want to see a real Frenzy. Try some Mango Skin with a fair bit of mango on em. Every Single Fish goes nuts for it. Even the Kuhlis come out to nibble on it.

But take it out once they have finished, it can cloud the water.

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