
fish mad

Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
havant uk
How long can i leave a bit of cucumber in the tank for my pleccy ? Help appreciated.
Max overnight so I've read. Got to say I tried our new gibby on it last night and he wasn't interested. My sister's had more luck with courgette, so I'm going to try that :)
I leave mine in just under 2 days. This allows all the fish and inverts in my tank to enjoy it throughout its time in the tank. To start with only the snail has any success with it, after when it gets softer, my ottos/corys and some of the others have a nibble, then the odd shrimp has a munch and they can eat it.
my common plecy loves cucumber, as soon as i drop it in hes on the hunt for it :D , i leave it in till the middle has gone and just the outside is left.
hope it helps :D
If he's a new fish, he might not feel good about coming out and eating it for a few weeks, my gibby didn't come get cucumber for a month after I got him, he was 8 years old then, now he races the others to it.
Thanks Suzie. He only arrived yesterday so he's still quite stressy. When I think of how scary it must be to be uprooted like that, it's hardly surprising he won't come out for cucumber! :blush:
I leave mine it untill all the middle has gone which is normall around 3 days, my rubber nose munches on the out part too!
I leave mine it untill all the middle has gone which is normall around 3 days, my rubber nose munches on the out part too!
Thanks for all your replies . As it happens my common plec only took 2 hrs to demolish it. He guarded it with his life so i have put the next bit inside a cave so he doesnt get disturbed. I have another question now though , how often can i give him a piece? Would daily be too much?
I leave mine it untill all the middle has gone which is normall around 3 days, my rubber nose munches on the out part too!
Thanks for all your replies . As it happens my common plec only took 2 hrs to demolish it. He guarded it with his life so i have put the next bit inside a cave so he doesnt get disturbed. I have another question now though , how often can i give him a piece? Would daily be too much?

Personally i give my plec a slice of potato which he absolutely adores and which gives him a lot of nutrients. I give him a slice once a week for the weekend. Have fun :good:
Our big two can apparently demolish a cucumber overnight as it was there when I went to bed and not when I came down this morning!

If you having trouble getting your plec to eat the cucumber try peeling it. Only our Panques really eat the skin the others prefer the fleshy part inside and therefore wait until te panque has "peeled" it before they start eating
I tried some last night for the first time, only the snails were interested in it.

took it out this morning tho, was a bit worried it might mess with the levels in the tank having food just lying around, might put another bit in n leave it longer if u guys all reckon it's ok :)
In my experience, cucumber is usually fine for about 36 hours. At around 48, it tends to get pretty mushy and can make a mess when you try to remove it. Also, my fish don't go after it right away, they seem to like it better after it softens up a bit.
I judge it by it colour - if its still nice and bright - it can stay in - when it starts to go dull and yellow its time to take it out as its going mushy...

The time depends on how fresh the cucumber is and the temp of the tank ;)

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