Cucumber.. Watermelon..?


Aug 29, 2009
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I have seen people on the forum say they feed their plec water melon or cucumber.. Is it safe to feed cucumber or any other veg to cory? Just to give a bit of flavour to there diet.. and fun! :hyper:

Imogen :flowers:
I feed my plecos fruit and cucs all the time and my corys will munch on it also they all seem to be doing well
I have seen people on the forum say they feed their plec water melon or cucumber.. Is it safe to feed cucumber or any other veg to cory? Just to give a bit of flavour to there diet.. and fun! :hyper:

Imogen :flowers:

many do. :good: :good:
ive got blacks, sterbai, melinistus, bronze, agasizi and trilineatus and ive not seen any of them ever eat the veg i put in for my BN.. they must be picky lol.
just one to watch with mellon, i used honey due, most of the fish especially the bn plecs loved it, but then i knottiest the ehiem wasn't running right
cut a long story short as the fish were eating the melon small particles (less than half a mm) got broken off into the water, they then clumped together as they went up the suction pipes of the ehiem pro 3 and blocked both suction pipes to the filter, took me an hour to figure out why the ehiem wasn't pumping any water, both were reduced from a flow to a trickle until i had to blow all the melon particles out into a bucket
have to admit i had given them half a mellon to munch on over a couple of days.
just one to watch with mellon, i used honey due, most of the fish especially the bn plecs loved it, but then i knottiest the ehiem wasn't running right
cut a long story short as the fish were eating the melon small particles (less than half a mm) got broken off into the water, they then clumped together as they went up the suction pipes of the ehiem pro 3 and blocked both suction pipes to the filter, took me an hour to figure out why the ehiem wasn't pumping any water, both were reduced from a flow to a trickle until i had to blow all the melon particles out into a bucket
have to admit i had given them half a mellon to munch on over a couple of days.

i think the moral here is, dont over feed! (no offence to the poster) only use small amounts until you have found your fish's appetite.

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