Cucumber overfeeding ??


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2005
Reaction score
Oxfordshire England


I have a 4 inch Bristlenose Pleco, who loves Cucumber, when I put some in he literally gorges himself on the stuff.

a couple of days ago, I put 2 large pieces in, one for Plec, one for my RTBShark, left em to it, when I came back my Plec had scoffed one piece and was on his way to devouring most of the other, he was considerably fatter and rather than swimming anywhere, he was just dragging himself by his mouth along the bottom of the tank. He looked well bloated !!

My question is can I overfeed him??


well i have the same problem i give a big piece to my common plec and a smaller piece for my CAE but the CAE'S never get a look it he just eats both pieces and then goes back into his cave but i would think if he was full i think he would leave the pieces of cucumber.

i think we should do an experiment put 3 pieces of cucumber in and see if he eats all 3 and if he does they are just greedy plecos lol
but if he just eats 1 or 2 we are not overfeeding.
Hoe big is your plec and how larger peices of cucumber are you giving him to eat? Plecs do eat alot and need to be feed vegetable based foods/algae wafers everyday to be healthy as they grow very fast in comparison to most fish so need alot of food, he could have just been very hungry.
You can't overfeed these guys fresh vegetables - go nuts!

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