Cuc For A Nano?


Oct 13, 2009
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Boston Area
I am planning a 10 gallon nano. The livestock I am planning for is a pair of firefish gobies and a clown goby. I love the look of lots and lots of lr. At first I will have no corals, but will add probably some mushrooms later on. Does any one have any suggestions on a CUC for this sort of tank. Any help is appreciated.
Well, my first suggestion is a bigger tank. You will not be able to keep fire fish in a tank that size and you can't really keep two in any but the biggest of tanks, sorry.

Any chance of a bigger tank?

Seffie x

cuc would be:

i hermit
4 nass vibex or ceriths
1 astrea

Seffie x
Ok...well scratch the firefish, and I will do just the clown goby. I heard that hermits can attack other inverts? Is this true? Would a cleaner shrimp be ok? I love them :nod: . Also, as much as I would like a bigger tank, I have little to no hope of getting one, as my mother thinks that I have too many with my 3 :( .
Ok...well scratch the firefish, and I will do just the clown goby. I heard that hermits can attack other inverts? Is this true? Would a cleaner shrimp be ok? I love them :nod: . Also, as much as I would like a bigger tank, I have little to no hope of getting one, as my mother thinks that I have too many with my 3 :( .

Hermits can attack other inverts but, it largely depends on the species. Some grow large and are aggressive. Others remain small and are relatively peaceful. For a 10G nano I'd get 1-2 dwarf hermits (either Clibanarius tricolor or Paguristes cadenati). In my experience, both of the species are peaceful with other tank inhabitants and are just interested with cleaning algae off the rocks.

A skunk cleaner shrimp would be fine. Personally I'd get a fireshrimp/bloodshrimp, purely for their stunning colours.

Bumblebee snails are very attractive. They only get to 1/2" in size. Mine tend to gather on the rock as opposed to the sand. I would also suggest a small orange lipped conch. However, you WILL need to feed this on pellet food initally, until there is sufficient algae/detritus for it to feed on. A small pellet twice a week will also make a nice treat for it. For the glass, an astrea or turban snail.
OK, so how does this sound:
2 Clibanarius tricolor
3 ceriths
1 astrea
1 cleaner shrimp
1 yellow clown goby

That will be the final stock, and possibly some mushrooms later on.
Agreed with Seffie; 10gal is pretty small and C. tricolor can get to a pretty reasonable adult size compared to the small sizes it's usually sold at. CUC stocking can also be added to later if the need really arises. Otherwise, if there is less food supply than there is demand from the CUC, you'll lose animals.
Alright, just one hermit, and I'll be golden, correct? This tank isn't going to be for quite a while now, so I'm in no rush.

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