Rabid Betta Activist
Has anyone else noticed a sudden influx of CTs into pet stores lately? It's so odd; not a month ago, all I ever saw in every store was VTs, and I noticed that betta sales were def. declining: the same poor fish would be in the store for weeks before being purchased or dying. I was thrilled because I was hoping the betta fad was fading and maybe for once, only people who were truly interested in the species would be buying them.
Enter: CTs.
All of a sudden, at least in my area, there is this MASSIVE influx of CTs into the markets, and they are selling like hot cakes. In fact, the VTs are sitting on the shelves rotting as each and every CT is snapped up. This raises some concerns for me. I've heard CTs need a bit more space or their fins curl, yet I'm seeing only smaller and more ridiculous betta habitats every day. I'm also wondering how inexperienced betta owners are going to recognize fin rot on a tail type that allready looks kindof tattered. And of course, though VT lines have been basically a bunch of "mutts" bred by the disreputable (at least in the US; I believe IBC doesn't recognize them), CTs were until recently a little more select. Will mass marketing them weaken their genetics now, too, undoubtedly leading to less healthy stock?
And, finally, what is going to happen to all of these VTs?? The CTs are priced the same, at least locally, so people are of course going for what is more "fancy" to look nice in their fricken art-deco betta bowl. I've been staring at the same little yellow VT for two weeks, and he's just getting more and more pale and lethargic, as two whole shipments of CTs have been sold out. So, while eventually CTs might replace VTs in the market place, I have to wonder if we're going to see an increase in unwanted "less desireable" VTs in stores now.
Thoughts, observations?
Enter: CTs.
All of a sudden, at least in my area, there is this MASSIVE influx of CTs into the markets, and they are selling like hot cakes. In fact, the VTs are sitting on the shelves rotting as each and every CT is snapped up. This raises some concerns for me. I've heard CTs need a bit more space or their fins curl, yet I'm seeing only smaller and more ridiculous betta habitats every day. I'm also wondering how inexperienced betta owners are going to recognize fin rot on a tail type that allready looks kindof tattered. And of course, though VT lines have been basically a bunch of "mutts" bred by the disreputable (at least in the US; I believe IBC doesn't recognize them), CTs were until recently a little more select. Will mass marketing them weaken their genetics now, too, undoubtedly leading to less healthy stock?
And, finally, what is going to happen to all of these VTs?? The CTs are priced the same, at least locally, so people are of course going for what is more "fancy" to look nice in their fricken art-deco betta bowl. I've been staring at the same little yellow VT for two weeks, and he's just getting more and more pale and lethargic, as two whole shipments of CTs have been sold out. So, while eventually CTs might replace VTs in the market place, I have to wonder if we're going to see an increase in unwanted "less desireable" VTs in stores now.
Thoughts, observations?