Cts: The New Vt?


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Has anyone else noticed a sudden influx of CTs into pet stores lately? It's so odd; not a month ago, all I ever saw in every store was VTs, and I noticed that betta sales were def. declining: the same poor fish would be in the store for weeks before being purchased or dying. I was thrilled because I was hoping the betta fad was fading and maybe for once, only people who were truly interested in the species would be buying them.
Enter: CTs.
All of a sudden, at least in my area, there is this MASSIVE influx of CTs into the markets, and they are selling like hot cakes. In fact, the VTs are sitting on the shelves rotting as each and every CT is snapped up. This raises some concerns for me. I've heard CTs need a bit more space or their fins curl, yet I'm seeing only smaller and more ridiculous betta habitats every day. I'm also wondering how inexperienced betta owners are going to recognize fin rot on a tail type that allready looks kindof tattered. And of course, though VT lines have been basically a bunch of "mutts" bred by the disreputable (at least in the US; I believe IBC doesn't recognize them), CTs were until recently a little more select. Will mass marketing them weaken their genetics now, too, undoubtedly leading to less healthy stock?
And, finally, what is going to happen to all of these VTs?? The CTs are priced the same, at least locally, so people are of course going for what is more "fancy" to look nice in their fricken art-deco betta bowl. I've been staring at the same little yellow VT for two weeks, and he's just getting more and more pale and lethargic, as two whole shipments of CTs have been sold out. So, while eventually CTs might replace VTs in the market place, I have to wonder if we're going to see an increase in unwanted "less desireable" VTs in stores now.
Thoughts, observations?
Maybe pretty much the same here. Cheap decent crowntails now sell here in quantity (last year they were hard to find). They actually now sell for lower prices than the shortfins.
I can't say that I'm surprised, considering the same thing happens with just about every 'pet' type of domestic animal. People go for what looks pretty, what is popular, and most never think that they are taking on a living breathing animal, not a deco item. People do this with dogs and cats constantly. 'Look, I have a Persian!' never mind the fact that they don't brush it enough and the thing ends up with matted fur, and then people ***** about having to take it to a groomer because it looks nasty and they don't want to spend the money.

I'm afraid it's going to happen with just about every animal we breed to specifics, if people can't buy Prada, they buy knocks-offs, and the same goes with animals too.
Thats strange, in the UK its very difficult to obtain CTs or VTs, especially in my region. I often see the odd VT in a pet store, but its always alone. There doesnt seem to be as much demmand in the UK.

In order to get my CT i had to mail order mine from a store just outside London :no:
I've noticed this too. People seem way into CT's at the LFS. You should rescue that VT you've been eyeing ;)
Heh, too many fishies (and more importantly, angry parents) allready to do it. Hopefully someone will notice how handsome he is and adopt him before he gets ill and dies from the cold store and unclean water. :/
I agree, one of my LFSs keeps CTs in stock all the time, I've been seeing them a lot more often lately. Then again, though, that LFS also carries deltas, plakats, and the occasional HM :p
I agree, one of my LFSs keeps CTs in stock all the time, I've been seeing them a lot more often lately. Then again, though, that LFS also carries deltas, plakats, and the occasional HM :p

NOT FAIR!!! My favorite is in San Francisco which I don't get to go to very often carries CT's and VT's only from what I could tell, except for this last time they had double tail, but they aren't that long so I think he may be plakat (I just had to buy one).
Interesting, I've only seen CT's at the place OppositeArmor gets his bettas, HarMar.
Other than that, all I've seen is VT's.
Although, I've never noticed a major interet in bettas in my area(I have seen many bettas in LFS be there for weeks, then just being gone, probably dead.)
Meh.. My LFS has 40% CT's and 60% VT's. The CT's here are all red and their fins are so curled and torn, pity. My first betta was a CT, but I'm sticking to VT's, I find they have more personality.
My local Petco has started selling CT as well. They used to only have VTs. The Vts are now indeed sitting around in dirty cups looking forgotten and the CT are mostly sold out with just a few stragglers left. I couldn't resist my two pathetic VTs even though there was a beautifu marbled CT just calling my name. The VTs look a bit...forgotten in their section. Most of their cups were dirty like they had been there awhile. There were only a few CTs left...their section was pretty empty looking. :(

The VT are, I believe, $3.50 and the CT were $6.99.
The same thing's been happening up here. They get in a shipment of close to a hundred VTs every week, and twenty or so CTs and lately, none of them have been selling (probably too cold) so alot of poor fish are just sitting there in their little bowls... and they just keep on getting in more and more every week. Does no one see that they're not selling? If they don't care about the fish, you'd at least think they'd care about making a profit...

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