Ctenopoma acutirostris


Bored into leaving
Aug 16, 2004
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Somewhere else, as I am banned...
Well, I was suggested to try Ctenopoma acutirostris by an lfs owner. he has a tank of young uns at £3 a piece. I expressed worry that they may be like leaf fish and difficult to wean off of live food but he said they all accept frozen bloodworm, muscles, prawns etc.

Does anyone have any experience of this fish?

I understand it maxes out between 5 and 9 inches and looks fantastic when fully grown. I have read they do ok in pairs but shouldn't be kept with other Labrynth fish. Can anyone confirm this?

I have read the profile on this site and they seem ok (and not as finnicky as Leaf fish which I originally mistook them for) to go in my larger community tank ('Mates will include Bala sharks, Chalceus, Pictus, Rainbow Shark and 3 BGKs).

Thanks in advance

Don't worry, once these guys settle in, you'll wonder why you were so worried about them :p Mine eat peas on occasion, an african predator eating PEAS!
Despite their resemblance to leaf fish, these guys aren't picky, and are almost people friendly, mine slowly come up to me and stare until I give them some shrimp pellets :lol:

I have 3 in a 55g, and they only share mild aggression between eachother and not towards the other fish :) Don't keep them with fish that will aggressively go about getting food, these anabantoids are ambush predators that like to wait for the best moment to strike down their prey, not lunge recklessly towards it ;)
The adults look a bit like this (Not my fish, yahoo image ;) )


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