Ct Betta & 9x Neon Tetra


Jul 7, 2009
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I would like to start breeding guppys but first I need to empty a tank so I just want to know ifanyone would be interested in a blue CT Betta and 9 Neon Tetra?

Livestock/Exchange: 1 x CT Betta
Age and condition: had him about 2 months so not very old and is in great condition
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: want to start a guppy breeding tank
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: Please make an offer
Postage & Packaging: Unsure how to :(
Location: Bristol
Photograph: will add one ASAP

Livestock/Exchange: 9 x Neon Tetra
Age and condition: got them 2 days ago so not very old, all very bright and acting normal :)
Quantity for sale: 9
Reason for Sale: Want to start a guppy breeding tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Make an offer
Postage & Packaging: Unsure how to :(
Location: Bristol
Photograph: Will add one ASAP

I would swap these for guppys/mollies etc
i'll offer you £2 for the betta - is this the one you paid £1.49 for ?
if you can wait for a while until my parents come to visit may be a few weeks id happily take them off your hand but dont have any guppies/mollies to trade, just thought id chuck it out there :)
Make sure you breed high quality guppies by using show class guppys. Not to name any breeders specifically :p
Pippoodle - If I can find some guppys to replace him straight away then I may accept this offer but wouldnt it be cheaper for you to go to LFS and buy one for £5-£10 than pay petrol all the way to Bristol and back and £2 for the fish?

Ladylouroll - Do you have a tank set up? And how far away are you? Just wondering as may be same situation as Pippoodle...

Tropic_John - Not to mention any? :rolleyes: How much do you charge for a mating pair?
my parents live in bristol hence me saying if you dont mind like 2 weeks until they come down and visit i would take them off your hands. im in portsmouth otherwise!! haha.
yes i do have a 3.5ft tank set up :)
i have lots of tanks set up lol - keep loads of bettas - got 15 males and approx 50 females with 100 odd fry
wow thats lots of bettas pippoodle you must really love them!! amyw2008 you should let the betta go to them! i get the feeling it would be going to a lovely home :) if you can wait on the neons id defo have them though :)
upto you Amy i can give him a home though if one is needed

cheers sarah xx
May be a slight delay on selling these fish now as I have got up this morning and the blue CT Betta has a white patch on his side (looks like he been hit with a paintball gun) and as the neons are in te same tank I will keep them on their own for a few weeks to make sure they dont get ill as well :(

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