Crystal Red Shrimp With Other Fish


Fish Crazy
Nov 15, 2008
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what are the chances that a fish like a betta would actually eat a CRS.
I bought 4 and can only locate 2.

1 of my amano shrimp jumped out and decided to go for a stroll. he did not make it back in time. :sick:
what are the chances that a fish like a betta would actually eat a CRS.
I bought 4 and can only locate 2.

1 of my amano shrimp jumped out and decided to go for a stroll. he did not make it back in time. :sick:

depends on the temperament of the betta, mine was VERY aggressive but handled 4 cherry shrimp ok with no casualitys
do they burrow into the substrate. I noticed that they like to find the holes under the rocks and what not and hide under there.
test your water cos shrimps only usually escape when there has been a spike of some sort in the water chemistry - nitrite or ammonia

good luck with the shrimpies

Sarah x
Like the truckasauras123 has said it depends of the Betta. When I had him my Betta killed the cherry shrimp I tried to keep with him, i never tried keeping him with CRS but they are the same size so would be just as risky.

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