Crystal Red Shrimp With Eggs


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
i saw one of my 5 relatively new (had them about a month now) crystal reds was big and fat with eggs this weekend. what are the chances of baby shrimp (what are baby shrimp called??), bearing in mind my internal fluval 1 filter and london water?
There have been credible reports of crs doing well in London water, so the chances are good for the eggs, I guess if anything else is slightly not top quality they will suffer more than in their preferred soft acidic water. Good luck with them.
Good luck :good:

P.S. beware the recent hot weather especially in London. I read that CRS are a bit intolerant to high temperatures.
the tank is in the low 80s at the moment, but there's not a lot i can do! going to do another water change tomorrow but unfortunately i can't control the weather. everyone is present and accounted for and active, bright and eating. so fingers crossed! the one with eggs is still holding some eggs.
just spotted 2 teeny tiny babies! don't know if there's anymore, so freekin tiny! hope i didn't hoover up any during the water change at the weekend, will have to be extra careful! thank goodness i've got java moss now, that's where they're hiding.
I'm sure there are loads more hiding in the mosses :D :D They must be super cute. Congrats!! :good: :good: :good:
thank you! any tips on tank clean out now there are tiny babies in the mix?
Congrats on the babies, they are super cute looking. I rarely take water from the bottom of the tank only when the mulm is a lot, its impossible not to get some of the babies, for the first couple of days they are too hard to see and they dont move much even if disturbed, so just take the water from the middle or top of the water.

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