Crypt's Causeway - 180ltr


Fish Crazy
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cheltenham, UK
So, after a few months of chasing after problems in my tank, I've turned to a new vision of what suits my needs. That is, a lower tech tank requiring less high demanding plants and turning to crypts et al.

Tank Details:
Juwel Vision 180 (90cm wide, bow front)
4x39w 90cm Arcadia Luminaire - Only using 2 tubes.
JBL CritsalProfi e1500 (rated at 1500lph)
Pressurised CO2 via 2kg FE using an Aquamas In-line Reactor
In-line heater
Tropica Planted Substrate capped with Zambezi Gravel

An assortment of Crypts. including...
- Wendtii "brown"
- Wendtii "green"
- Wendtii "Tropica"
- Wendtii "Mi Oya"
- Parva
- Beckettii "Petchii"
- Undulata "Broad Leaves"
The remaining plants are:
- Anubias Nana
- Spikey Moss
- Flame Moss
- Staurogyne sp.
- Cyperus Helferi (my first non-tropica plant! - Oh my god!)
- Vallis "Tiger"
- Hygro. Polyserma

19 Harlequin Rasboras
5 Ottocinclus Vestitus
6 Dwarf Pencil Fish (Nannostomus marginatus)

Using the EI method, not worked out as yet how much.
Will dose 5ml of EasyCarbo each day.





I still have a few crypts to arrive from ukaps members so it'll look fuller in a few days.

I thought I'd try growing mosses on the wood I have, hopefully, I've positioned it right. I might look for a similar piece for the left side in the future but see how it goes.

I've planted the Cyperus thinly at the back, I think I've moved away from the curtain look on the back with the vallis and using the the taller background plants in a more tinner way.

I thought I'd try Cyperus Helferi as it looked good in the shop and would be a replacement for vallis in the longer term. I'll be looking to remove the Hygro. Polyserma once there's a bit more plant biomass.

I would like to floating plants, but couldn't think of anything suitable.

I know this will take some time to develop, but hopefully, as I've had good results from crypts in the past, this will in the future turn into something I can be proud of rather than an algae magnet.

The only problem will be the impending crypt melt that is inevitably going to happen, that's why I wanted it to be full as much as possible to start with. I'm not going to my usual long photo period. I'm going to start with about 6 hours to try and limit the melt as much as possible.

I welcome any comments, suggestions and/or feedback on this.

One week in update...

Well, this week has seen me keep on top of a few incidents of crypt melt, which to be honest hasn't been much. I've managed to maintain my dosing regime this week which is a good start!

Today was water change day and managed to add 200mls of Seachem Purigen to polish the water before it returns from the filter. In addition, I'm rearranged my filter media in a more organised structure, as follows (in order of water hitting it)

Water ---> Wool ---> Pre-Filter Sponge ---> Ceramic Tubes ---> Coarse Sponge ---> Ceramic Substrate ---> Wool ---> Purigen

I've been told that my first wool is not really needed as it'll clog, but this was after I put it in. At the next water change I'll remove it and see what effects that has on the water clarity.

I also added three new additions...
+ Nerite Snails - seen as they were bought on the way to the Top Gear MPH Show at the NEC (bought from MA in Worcester - fantastic customer service as always!) they are called , Jeremy (Clarkson), Richard (Hammond) & James (May)!
+ Amazon Frogbit - always wanted a floating plant, saw these too at MA in Worcester and for £1.75 seemed too good to say no.

Plants are showing good signs of new growth, most crypts have new shoots coming up which is encouraging. Anubias' are going great too and Cyperus Helferi is getting taller. Although the tips seem to be getting a bit burnt in the night.

In summary, a very successful week with my new arrangement. Fits in with my life rather than trying to force a tank in my life. TICK!

Anyway, photos...

Full shot of tank...

Amazon Frogbit...

Jeremy & Richard...

New growth on Crypt. Parva...

New growth on Crypt. Wendtii - although which one?! Tropica or Brown?!

Happy & Fat Otto...

Hiding Pencilfish...

Nosey Harlequin...
This looks like one to watch, a lovely idea :nod: . I knew I would like it from the title. I like your choice of fish too, I think they will add a lot to the mature tank :good: . Can't wait to see how it progresses.
All the best from Bill. :D
Looking good so far. Should look great when things start growing and filling in the gaps.

Lovely pic of the Otto too, looking nice and fat.

Cheers Gordon.
Weekly update...

Everything's going well, had to remove some nerite snails due to death but have replaced those two with 5 Staghorn Nerites.
Plants are continuing the grow and have had a bit of a rearrange to clump similar crypts together.
I've also removed my moss as it wasn't growing and replaced it with two large pots of Microsorum Pteropus (Java Fern). My wood continues to get a white growth and did take it out for a day to boil but some is still coming back - any ideas?

Today, I added some Alternanthera Reineckii 'Pink' (Roseafolia) after it looked fab and I also had a space behind my wood after the rearrange. So got one pot and there was loads in, so has filled the space!

Anyway, all going swimmingly and after adding my Java Fern, I think it's made everything look a bit better. IMO it gives it something that stands out.

So the photos:



Welcome comments, suggestions and anything else.
Tank looks great. A nice big schoal of Harlequin Rasboras really looks good. :#
Looking good. I'm starting to grow some crypts myself.

I'm having problems with my wood as well. I scrub and let it soak in salt but it comes back. I suppose I can try boiling some, hope my mother won't notice the stains in her pot lol. I need other suggestions too.
Inspiring, yet terrifying...I just don't know if I have it in me to make my tank look this good. :lol:
nice tank. :drool:
can you try to get any close ups of the dwarf pencilfish?
Thanks, I'll try when my new fish have settled. It is difficult as they do go running when they see me.

nosoup4you said:
Inspiring, yet terrifying...I just don't know if I have it in me to make my tank look this good.
Its not that difficult if you learn how to keep plants and get the basics right from the start. I tried something a bit more complicated and it didn't fit in with my lifestyle, whereas this goes nicely now.
Thanks for saying its and inspiration, I'm liking it more and more but don't think it's 100% how I'd like it just yet.

Although, wait to you see my new fish. :drool: :rolleyes:
So its been a while, been concentrating on setting up my CPD breeding tank.

Recently, I added 3 Red Pencilfish along with another 3 Ottos. They've settled in well and in particular the pencilfish have coloured up really well.

Plants wise, things continue well. I've had no massive problems. Dosing regime continues but I've stopped dosing Easy Carbo to see what happens. Nothing really apart from the return of green spot algae but nothing major.

The java fern has got so many plantlets on it now that I'm thinking of rearranging everything and take those off and add to the wood. I'm trying to get some more wood that would suit the tank a bit better (ie more place for the ferns).

The crypts have bulked up well and in places I think it's too much of a jungle so everything points to a bit of a tidy up. I might do that at the end of the week (see how it goes finding wood).

I'd like to rearrange it so that there's a bit clump of Java fern where it is at the minute and flanked by two/three clumps of undulata and then clumps of others dotted around. Watching my crypts grow over time has led me to believe that larger clumps the better and so that large clumps together will have more visual impact. At the minute, that visual impact is lost as there isn't enough space between clumps. On reflection, even though I thought I put them together, I didn't do it enough! I don't have anything like this as there's no space for the leaves to like flower (?!) if you get what I mean.

Quick photo...


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I take your point on the Crypts needing to be quite big, but you still have a lovely lay out. Perhaps some more wood and ferns could help as you suggested, but don't go crazy, I love the idea of the crypts being allowed to dominate this set up. Love the photo, looks professional.

All the best from Bill.
Your tank looks fantastic, makes me want to plant mine more :good:

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