crushed coral


New Member
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
Munelein, IL
anyone use crushed coral for a fresh water tank? Can sand and crushed coral be mixed? Any tips if using crushed coral? Can I use crushed coral one more time in a sentence? ;)
for what reason? are you trying to raise you GH an KH?

sure you can mix it..just depends on your reasons :rolleyes:
kribs mate said:
for what reason? are you trying to raise you GH an KH?

sure you can mix it..just depends on your reasons :rolleyes:
well, i'm not too crazy about the sand anymore. All the fish waste and stuff is too visable. If i can find a darker sand, i'd just use that..but no luck. I did find, however at my local fish store, bags or crushed coral that were darker in color.
what fish are you keeping? crushed coral will raise your PH so maybe not a good idea unless you are keeping african cichlids etc.

even if you want it for africans its a better idea to add it into bags into your filter as the fish can injure themselves on sharp crushed coral while digging.

is the reason you want it purely for decoration? or was it to harden your water?
If your aquarium is all rift lake cichlids, I would suggest you create a thread in African Cichlids. There are some very knowledgable folks there that can answer this kind of question.

If it's not a rift lake tank, I'd say stay away from anything that can impact pH like crushed coral.

Good luck! :thumbs:

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