Crowntails at WAL-MART!


Mar 4, 2005
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New Hampshire
Was at Wal-Mart tonight, they had just gotten a shipment of Bettas. I was busy rearranging them so they weren't stacked covering the airholes and noticed about 1/2 of them were crowntails! I've never seen crowntails at Wal-Mart.... :blink:
Lucky I have 2 new boys coming from Wuv next week, or one would have come home with me tonight!
:eek: were they VT/ CT mix or just straight up CT's? I have a couple that are mixed like that but have yet to just see a CT. Oh geez I may have to go to Walmart and buy more tanks! :hyper:
I haven't seen any males at Walmart that weren't VT, but I got a female CT from Walmart, and my friend got a female DT from Walmart. JUST that Walmart, too...none of the other two in my immediate area have had anything other than VT females.
FishyLoveBug said:
:eek: were they VT/ CT mix or just straight up CT's? I have a couple that are mixed like that but have yet to just see a CT. Oh geez I may have to go to Walmart and buy more tanks! :hyper:
They looked like vt/ct mixes, but one of them looked like full CT, he was really pretty. Took alot not ot bring him home!
thats why i dont shop at walmart when ever i shoped there i brought home a poor soul ..i dont need anymore i already have four bettas

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