Crowntail Mouth Problem


Jun 18, 2004
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Well, this is a weird problem my crowntail is having. He has some kind of gap in between his mouth and where his face is. I can see some tendents. It looks kind of weird, and also the front part of his eye is somewhat bloodshot. Don't know what this is or how he could have gotten it. Also, he doesn't poop like the others, The other two have ball like, big poops and are brown. His poop is never on the bottom, and everytime I change his water (2-3 days), there is ALOT of white stuff floating around in the water.. I would post some pics, but my camera ran out of batteries..
hmmm :blink: sounds really weird, iv'e never had anythign like that before but i think the white stuff could be some kind of fungas? bacteria?

sorry i couldn't hlep you much :( hope he feels better soont ho :thumbs:
Sounds awful. I don't know what is wrong with your fish but until you get a diagnosis do you have some Bettamax that you can put in the water?

It is good ... if you have no clue what is wrong with your fish and want to put something in his water 'that could help but cannot hurt' (until you find the right medication to hit him with) .

Is your fish quarantined? You don't want whatever he's got spreading to the others if he's in a divided tank or something like that! Other than that, until you know what the problem is keep the water extra, extra clean, feed him only the best food (frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms), and maybe add a bit of fish vitamins to the water.

If you are seeing tendons could it be some kind of bacterial or fungal rot?
Sorry I couldn't help more.
im betting he has a bacterial infection. it sounds kind of serious so maybe some kanacyn or tetracycline? i suppose you could use melafix but i think its a lot weaker than the others.

it could also be internal parasites. for that you culd try some medicated food.

clear/white poop is always a bad sign.

a p ic woould really help though.
I've also noticed he's alot shiner then usual.



I've read wuv's problem, about her giant betta having the hole, possible slight case of popeye, and so forth. This looks similar.
Most of his face seems different to me, and I've never seen him with a steel looking shiny body like that in the picture...
Any additional info would be helpful, thanks in advance guys.
He actually looks fairly normal to me, besides having a more open mouth than usual. I'm assuming he hasn't always been like this? Anyways, his eyes don't look popped out at all. Besides him being shiny, is his color good? Still eating and swimming alright? The white poop does worry me.... is this a new occurance also? And is he having trouble with the mouth as far as eating/breathing/etc? If he seems ok otherwise, I might not worry. You could treat him with a basic antibiotic if you're worried, like Bettamax or Neomycin. Keep his water extra clean.
No, his poop has been like this, it isn't solid at all. Also, he does have a hole right above his mouth, and I can see his tendents. Look very hard in the second picture, it's there.

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