Crowntail + Fungus


I Harth Darth
Dec 1, 2004
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My own place!!! Niagara Falls, Ont.
A friend of mine has a crowntail betta she just bought a couple days ago, from the same place I got mine. When she got home she discovered that it had a bit of fungus on it. She's been treating him with 100% daily water changes, a bit of salt, and Jungle Fungus Clear. He's had this for four days.

Any ideas? The fungus has gotten worse rather than better with medication.. :/
Where is the fungus and is it fluffy, or patches.
What kinda tank is it in?
I'd suggest using Maracyn to treat, but make sure the dosage is cut down to be accurate for that size tank.

Also, 80 degree water would be the best (acclimated to that temp SLOWLY) if it's not currently got a heater.
my ct died of fungus, too :( couldn't fix him no matter how hard i tried. i used maracyn, a hospital tank and heat. but he succumbed anyway. i'm really bummed because i've yet to find another ct near me.
:( That sucks..

I keep telling her to bring him back to the store and complain that they sold her a sick fish and demand a new one.
She refuses, cos she doesn't think that'll help.
It's sad really, because the store she got him from is actually really good, too.. There's hardly ever sick fish there.

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