Crown Conch


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England

I added a crown conch to my tank about a week ago. In that time I've caught him wrapped around two turbo snails. I pulled him off both times. Was he eating them? I'm not sure if the two snails are dead. They seem to have covered over the opening of their shell with a hard surface. What's going on? Is he evil? And are my turbos dead?
I'm no conch expert but I do know there are some types of conch's that eat their fellow snails. Maybe this is one of these Conch's? Maybe other members here can offer more help, if not, there's always google :)
If the common name is right, it's a Melongena corona, which is carnivorous by the references I've seen. I can't say I've heard of this snail being kept in an aquarium before; I'd watch it closely. Other snails may be on the menu.

They seem to have covered over the opening of their shell with a hard surface.

It's probably the operculum you're seeing.
most conches are predators and will eat fish, snails, starfish, anything that looks good. The crown of thorns starfish is kept in check by a conch.
Ok. Thanks guys & girls. I was told it was a common crown conch when I bought it but it's possible it's not. I think I'll put him in my other tank for now.
most conches are predators and will eat fish, snails, starfish, anything that looks good. The crown of thorns starfish is kept in check by a conch.

Sorry but I have to disagree here. The notion that most "conches" are carnivorous is based on misidentifications and poor use of common seems people will call just about anything a conch if it's long and has pointy bits somewhere on the shell. Thus there's an issue between "conch" as part of a common name (which has no taxonomic or species identification significance) and "conch" as a taxonomic reference to "true conches." True conches are herbivores and omnivores that eat detritus, algae, and decaying stuff. These species belong to the family Strombidae, specifically the genus Strombus. The predatory snail that eats crown of thorns starfish is the Triton's Trumpet or simply Triton, which is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a conch. Horse conches and Tulip conches are also bad misnomers, as one is a whelk (Nassariidae) and the other is generally in Faxciolariidae.
ok so now we have to find out if it is a conch or something else. But we have to do it fast coz its trying to eat the snails in the tank.

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