

Sugar coating and nicely nicely? I don't think so
Mar 10, 2008
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Stourbridge UK
Hello ;) I've just finished my first crosstitch pattern of a goldfish! I't's only a simple thing, but I'm a bit proud of it and I want to show it off :lol:


I may sew it onto my bag....

I was thinking of leaping in at the deep end and trying to do my own pattern :D . I was considering doing a picture of angelfish with some aquatic plants in the background, Cabomba for example. Or maybe a Betta.

Does anyone else here do crosstitch ? Any masterpieces you'd care to show off? I'd like to see if so :D
I do, I do. Seens how I am a man I often get hassled for it, but i don't care. I find it relaxing. I've been doing it for about two years.

Here are some of the ones I've done.










I did this one for my Mother last year because she LOVES wolves. Took me a couple months.

This is the one I'm working on now. It's taken about three months so far.
You should be pleased, it's really nice.
Great work from you as well abzorbd, it certainly is relaxing!
You can see a couple of mine on this thread. I haven't done any for a while but might have to get back into it!

Cross stitch
Thanks. Yours are amazing as well.

Honeythorn, yours is some great work too. I meant to say so in my original post but I guess I let my big head get away from me.
:hyper: Those are incredible! *proudness deflates* I have much to learn..... :D
Don't let your pride deflate too much. The first time I attempted it, it was HORRIBLE. I had no idea what I was doing. It was an Eeyore book mark and Eeyore looked like he was a victim of a tragic hunting accident.
Don't be deflated, yours is great! I've been doing cross stitch for about 16 years so have progressed onto the more complicated ones.
Don't let anyone knock your work, you have every right to be proud. ;)
Very nicely done everyone. I've been cross-stitching for about 20 years now (started when I was 7 or 8). I get teased a lot, but I enjoy doing it. I'll try to take some pics of the ones I have at home, I mostly give them away as presents though.

Edit: I found three that I had made for my mom over the years, after she passed, I brought them home to keep.
The silhouette I made this past Christmas for her, I must say it was a major pain, I used a 22ct. fabric and thought I would go blind before I was done :blink: , it came out really nice though.



Those are great. I love that silhouette. I like the way that it's so dark and solid. I usually use three strands of floss to acheive that though.

You think you get teased, I'm a guy. I'm 25 and I have a beard and I'm a pretty big and intimidating kind of guy. People laugh at me. That's alright though. It's worth it.

I just found another one I did.
My favorite hockey team's emblem.
abzorbd, that wolf one is amazing. :drool:

I used to do corsstitching all the gime with my great nan, when I was about 10. But I havnt done any since she passed away. :rip:

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