Crossbreed Help


New Member
Mar 1, 2007
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Hi i have a question.
I would like to know which central american cichlids will crossbreed and will there fry survive. I do not want to sell them just have them for my larger tank. I heard convicts will breed with about any thing. I have 29gal i could use for breeding and would like to cross two compatable fish for fun, curiosity, and for something new. If any one could help i would appreciate it thanks......... :shifty:
Like you said, convicts will breed with anything. They are a nice way to go. FMs, Texas, BPs, Sajica, all of those I've heard breeding with them. Not sure how the fry turned out though.

Umm... meaner fish... various Amphilophus species will breed together, not sure of all, but I've heard of crossing midas, red devils and red terrors to each other. Mayan cichldis are rumored to hybridize, but not sure. I saw on another forum there was a jaguar that is beleived ot be crossed to an Amphilophus species.

I'm not sure how accurate all of these are, someone more well versed can help you here I'm sure. Just make sure, if/when you sell the fry... you let EVERYONE know exactly what they are, this way no confusion will exist between "purebreeds" and you can't be blamed :good:
I think with a 29g you're going to have to stick to the smaller cichlid species, as anything bigger than a convict is going to be pushed for space in there ;)
I think with a 29g you're going to have to stick to the smaller cichlid species, as anything bigger than a convict is going to be pushed for space in there ;)

I missed the 29 gallon part sorry. In that case then yea, convicts would be your only choice there. As for making hybrids, Breed JB parrots and you should be alright.
I think with a 29g you're going to have to stick to the smaller cichlid species, as anything bigger than a convict is going to be pushed for space in there ;)

I missed the 29 gallon part sorry. In that case then yea, convicts would be your only choice there. As for making hybrids, Breed JB parrots and you should be alright.

They are not actual hybrids just short body pink cons.
well i did.

Convict - Sajica + Jade eye : jade eyed sajicon.

and now ive got second generation J.E.S
theyre all very healthy, growing to about 6" and males will grow a nuchal hump, ther highly aggressive.
when they breed they go a dull brownish grey triped colour, wherras non breeding mature fish are Yellow, Blue and light brown. alot liek a sajica.
all of the babies retained the deep blue eyes from the jade eye cichlid.

that was very interesting. erm try somehting similar its great fun :)
well i did.

Convict - Sajica + Jade eye : jade eyed sajicon.

and now ive got second generation J.E.S
theyre all very healthy, growing to about 6" and males will grow a nuchal hump, ther highly aggressive.
when they breed they go a dull brownish grey triped colour, wherras non breeding mature fish are Yellow, Blue and light brown. alot liek a sajica.
all of the babies retained the deep blue eyes from the jade eye cichlid.

that was very interesting. erm try somehting similar its great fun :)

That sounds awsome! I remember you posting about these a while ago when you first did it. Any new pics. I havn't seen the results yet. They sound really nice.
wow i need some practice befor i do something wild like that
Heres one of my tbarvicts Male Sajica x Female Pink Convict(I have about 10 young uns now too).

wow i need some practice befor i do something wild like that

Its really not as hard as it seems. But IMO you should start with something easy and small (convicts) let them breed, which they do if you pretty much jsut put them into water, and get the hang of rearing fry, then you can move onto the"harder/more interesting" stuff.

But with time, patience and imagination, I'm sure you could do the same.
wow t those are sweet ya i aint gona crossbreed yet if it happens it happens i was just curious
I have a 55g that might be avalible and wanted to know of anything that I could hybrid, just not cons, too aggressive.

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