Most albino corydoras available in the trade are froim the peppered corydoras, as such albinos can not cross breed, they are just breeding normally! The fact that they are albino just makes it difficult to identify them!
Once in a while corys can cross breed with similar species. This is not common and responsible cory hobbyists strongly discourage anyone from trying to do it.
However, albinos are not different species; they are just color variations of the same species. For example, bronze and albino C. aeneus are the same species and breed together freely. The results seem to be that some fry will be one others will be the other. The same is true with C. paleatus, the other common species that has an albino color variation.
Any members of the same genus (Corydoras, in this case) can breed, although it is not common, it is by no means unheard of. The result will be infertile fry however.