Cross Breeding?


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi, I was just wondering if cories can cross breed?
I have a leucomela and trilli that are together constantly and nudge each other. They stick very closely together at all times but I can't sex them to know if they are even male or female!
Thanks, Amy xx
they can cross breed yes but its frowned upon if the specimens are sold on and they enter the "public domain"
Ahh right. I would have no intention of doing that, I don't even know if these two even have the intention to mate. The question just popped into my head as I was watching them swimming up an down the glass together!
If I were to have eggs, would I just be able to scrape them off the glass and put them in a breeding box? I've never had anything other than guppies reproduce.
Amy xx
If these two were to breed and lay eggs,then either leave the eggs to get eaten or destroy them please.

Has Tizer said its not good to rear cross breeds if it was to happen,whether you kept the offspring for yourself its still producing weak fish in the long run.

I have 7 species of cories and i have never knowingly seen them cross breed,i've always had the same species breed.

Have many of each do you have,it would be better if your tank can handle it to get more of each so they can form their own little groups for breeding.
I have 2 leaucomela's, 2 julli and 3 panda's. Can't really cope with more as I have a 70 litre with other tetras etc. I'm slightly overstocked as it is but plan to move some cherry barbs.
I can't imagine they will breed, I wa just wondering if it was possible. If I do see any eggs I will leave them to be eaten though.
Amy xx

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