Cross Breeding


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
right now i have 1 male fancy guppy and 2 "wild" males and a female. the lfs i got the "wild" ones at doesnt seem to have many females so i thought it would be easier just to get more fancy female guppies.
the tank would be a 10 gal with 1 male fancy, 2 wild male, 1 wild female and 5 fancy females. will this be ok and is there anything wrong with cross breeding fancy and wild guppies?

btw they arent wild they are just the normal natural colored ones that look like endlers that havent been inbreed to get the fancy colors and patterns.
As long as you are sure they are actually Wild Guppies, and not Endlers, it should be okay. It will strengthen the Fancies up a bit. Though don't expect as fancy of colors.

Also, I think the stocking on that tank would be pushing it. I'd just go for the wild male and females (3-4ish), if I were you. Otherwise, you may see aggression amoungst the males. Also, that leaves you some room for fry. Do you have a plan for all of them?
i dont really have a plan for them. i was just going to allow nature to take it course. if i become over run i was going to sell or atleast give them to a lfs.
breed the wild and fancy ones, you are fixing what all of the breeders have done. but yes your tank may be pushing it a lil bit if you want atleast some fry

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