Cross Breeding Corys


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hello i was wondering if you cross breed corys say a bronze and albino would you get some of each or would you get like a cross bronze ablino thanks
They're the same species, so that's not crossing. Albino Corys are bronze Corys already.
Corys don't breed readily cross-species.. so I think it is possible, but is VERY unlikely :)
Some corys might breed out of their own species but it is not common. In the event that they do, the eggs that result should be destroyed.

Let me caution you now that this is a practice that is frowned upon by reputable cory keepers and breeders. I will not allow discussons about "what if I bred..." in this forum.
Let me caution you now that this is a practice that is frowned upon by reputable cory keepers and breeders. I will not allow discussons about "what if I bred..." in this forum.
What exactly is wrong with hypothetical reasoning?

I do not support crossing different species and always advise against it.. but you are sounding a bit totalitarian here. Is it not wiser to educate rather than forbid discussion? Prohibition usually only encourages curiosity, especially in younger members of our society who have not yet lost all will to learn and experience.
im hoping they wont cross breed thts y im asking cus i dnt want to bring cross species in i want to have different species i just hope they dnt cross breed thanks for all your help

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