Crooked Molly


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Hey guys,

My only sailfin silver molly yesterday went crooked, his body was twisted towards his rear fin. He was swimming unusual and wasn't flapping his fin to go forward. I was very worried and decided to leave him in case I stressed him out any further, as he could be injured. After a few hours of being very lethargic (he ALWAYS comes to the front of the tank and swims up and down, following your finger etc) and reclusive when I come to the tank. I thought he might be in pain, however after a couple of hours I came back, he was normal again and seemed exactly the same. Greeting me at the front of the tank etc etc. Does anyone have any idea's on what happened and why he was crooked?

This is how he was shaped except it wasn't this extreme.

i have no clue, i had a fish which was like that but was born with it and died like it, dont think it was in pain...maybe its double jointed???
I don't think I have seen that as a temporary thing. I have seen extremely old fish take on various bends and twists in their body shape but it is often toward the end and does not cure itself. It seems to be more a spinal degradation over time in the ones I have seen.

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