Crooked Kuhlii Loach


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
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Pittsburgh PA
I posted a while ago about my one kuhlii loach being crooked (like a zig zag), but no one seemed to know what I meant. I finally got around to taking a picture of it, so has anyone seen this before? What happened to him?


Other than the crookedness, he seems perfectly fine. I had been away & my mom was taking care of my fish, & I happened to notice this one day. ???
That would be genetic. Nothin you can really do about it. :X But if he is living alright now, he should be alright. He would have adapted! :thumbs:

EDIT: Read last line of your post, so you just happened to buy a straight kuhli, then you and your mum came home and found him bent? Maybe he got caught up in your filter intake?

DI you buy him straight or bent like that?
He was straight when I bought him, & he was just crooked one day :dunno: I don't know what to think, but he seems ok otherwise.
we have bent danios... they got worse as they grew - its like parts wern't growning at the same speed.

as mentioned its genetic and although our danios were straight they slowly got more and more bent as they grow.

as you say though- our have adapted fine and apart from looking a little odd they 'function' fine :)

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