Cronwntail With Thinnig Rays


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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I entered my longfin Cronwtail in a Betta show. He was there for three days. Ever since I brought him back home than he has been spending a lot of time at the bottom of the tank and his rays are getting thinner. I know he is probably sick, I am not sure with what illness. Any ideas?
Depression maybe :dunno: was he near a female or male in the contest? Maybe he misses it and wants another betta by him so he can see one.
He was beside another male crowntail... will try that and give him a mate.
Do you have another male crowntail? If so just divide the tank with plastic canvas and put one of your males on the other side and give that a try if it don't work try a female.
Its okay, I can just place both tanks side by side. Will probably try a female. Worried a male might be stressful company.

Thanks DK :D
Thinning Rays in crowntail is a usual problem.....
but it's very hard to solve
the reason the rays is thinning is lack of calcium and weather condition
if you add some calcium into its tank it will help

many of my fish thinning when the weather is too cold
and sometimes i just keep them as usual
sometimes if the gene of the fish is good the rays will thick again
but if dont.... it will thin till it 's dead.....


Ral, have you tried putting the betta where it can get some sunshine during the day? There was a discussion on it some bit earlier about sunlight and the effects it has on crowntails...and it's supposed to help cure the curling of their fins (I'm assuming it's the Vitaman D) if it helps curly, maybe it will help thinning as well.

VITAMIN D - also known as calciferol - is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is obtained either through the diet or simply by exposure to sun light.

Vitamin D prevents the disease rickets, which can cause malformed bones, bowed legs, late tooth development and listlessness in children, while also regulating bone formation and repair.
Yup, he gets morning sun everyday now. Seems to be getting better, but can't tell for sure.

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