croaking gouramis


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
i was in a local lfs today and notice a small fish in a tank with a whole lot of other gouramis (kissing gouramis and such)

it didnt say on the tank what they were but i knew i had seen them here before.
I asked the two girls that were there and neither of them new what they were.

I have just read the info in the index section about croaking gouramis and im pretty sure thats what they are.

does any body have any more info about them, cause i think i might go and get some tomorrow,
they were so scared in the tank with all those other aggresive gouramis!
I'm the one who wrote the info piece on them, and own some of my own. If you could ask some specific questions, that would be helpful. :) I'd be glad to answer them if I can. Also, where would you plan on putting them? -_-

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