Criticize My Fish Tank


New Member
May 8, 2012
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I have a 30 gallon aquarium with 10 fish. They currently are
- 5 zebra danios
- 1 blue gourami
- 3 serpae tetras
- 1 butterfly spot pleco

I'm thinking about adding 1 more zebra danio, and adding 5 or 6 tiger barbs. When the gourami dies im thinking about Cory catfish or a rainbow shark. Any tips on what I should do?
Zebra danios really should be kept in a 4' tank. Gouramis if properly cared for can live 5 or more years, just depends on the species. The serpae tetras should be in a group of at least six, preferably more. Most likely your pleco is a common sailfin and is going to out grow your tank within the year.
What I would do is, return everything to your fish store, except the serpaes. Add 6-10 more of them, add ten tiger barbs, a bushy nose pleco, maybe 6 kuhli loaches and leave it at that.
I disagree with Turtle. Zebra Danio's do not require a 4' tank. Thou they are active, they are small fish and all of mine did find in a 10 gallon tank. Definetly add in 3 more Serpae's. Do not get any Barb's. Most Barb's are horrid fin nippers. Your Gourami will be in for trouble. Do not add a Rainbow shark, they get to big and will kill everything. Can you upload a picture of your Pleco please so we can identify him? If he isnt what you say he is, he is likely what turtle said, a common pleco, which get ENOURMOUS and will eventually become to big for your tank, and very quickly. Cory Catfish would be fine to add, but get at least 6. If it were me, i'd just get 3 more serpae's, get 6 cory catfish, 1 more danio, and then call it stocked.
I don't disagree about zebras in smaller tanks, I've raised them and had them live long happy lives in 10 gallon tanks. But most everyone now days agrees about the 4' tank length. Personally I've always had high flow in most of my tanks, and think a strong current can be just as good as a long tank with little current.
I've had three rainbow sharks in community tanks (not the same tank) and they really aren't as brutal as their reputation sounds. If you give it a cave, it'll sit in there all day. I've spent several sleepless hurricane nights watching them, and even when they are out and about they are not super aggressive.
As for tiger barbs, I have 6 in my tank right now, with tetras, angelfish, guppies, and gouramis. They are a bit nippy, but only towards each other. Not one of my other fish has fin or tail injuries. Cherry Barbs, Rosy Barbs, and several others are not at all nippy, if you want an alternative.
You do need to check with the pleco, though. They can easily grow a foot or more long. Adding some more tetras would be good too. Not sure about danios, I've never had them personally.

That is my pleco

That is my pleco

Yep common sailfin pleco, gets over a foot long and will out grow your tank in short order.
I have 6 tiger barbs ( 3 green, 3 striped) in with a dwarf gourami and the gourami will run the tiger barbs off when they get to close. I was just watching them and they where all sitting in the same corner of my tank.
I have 4 green & 4 striped tigers in with lemon & beacon tetras, harlequin rasboras & my bristle nose plexus in a 120ltr and so far all is great. The tigers chase each other most of the time asserting dominance within their own group and every now & then will chase the rasboras but never catching them!! Personally I love my tigers & they are great to watch so I'd highly recommend!! . From my research you need to GENERALLY avoid slow moving fish with lots of finnage as tigers CAN BE a bit nippy but as the other post above, this is clearly not a definitive answer!!!
Good luck & hope you get it how you want it.
I wouldn't get tiger barbs if I were you. I wouldn't trust them with a gourami, and I wouldn't put cories with them either and your tanks not really big enough for a rainbow shark.

Maybe you could look at five banded barbs which are similar in looks to tigers but much less aggressive, although they might be too big for your tank. What are your tank's dimensions? Cherry barbs are very nice, and peaceful too.
Plecos are hard to ID and its going to be difficult to say what you have without a pic of the actual fish. The one you posted isn't a typical common pleco, but it does still reach up to 12" and is too big for your tank. But just because you bought it as a gold spotted pleco does not mean it is.
Plecos are hard to ID and its going to be difficult to say what you have without a pic of the actual fish. The one you posted isn't a typical common pleco, but it does still reach up to 12" and is too big for your tank. But just because you bought it as a gold spotted pleco does not mean it is.

my danio's love to speed around my 4ft tank, so i would say bigger the tank, happier they are, as for the plec, is there a reason why you got it? as in for gravel or glass cleaning? i found that the plec isnt the best to stop the glass going green, however it does clean the gravel nicely.

the gourami can grow quite big as i had one from 4 months it grown to 7 inches so i had to give it away, and what a job it was because no one had the space and time to care for her. it was given away to lfs to use as a display fish in the end.

any barbs are fin nippers and fast swimmer so best to not get that as gourami's are slow due to there size. until the size of your tank is told, its unclear if more or just these fish are enough. hope it helps.

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