Crippled Budgie


Former Betta Breeder
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Utah, U.S.
I work at a pet store, and it was recently brought to my attention that we had a very young (our theory is that it's a female, so I refer to "her" as such) budgie (parakeet, if you will) with a crippled leg. I did not see her in her original condition, but I was told that one of her nails had overgrown and was somehow wrapped around her leg. Regardless, the nail has since been trimmed, but her leg is quite obviously crippled. At least one of the rear toes if not both are atrophied to the point that, while she obviously has sensation in them, she is incapable of moving them. I don't quite know how to describe this, but it looks like her leg higher up in one of the joints also sticks quite far out to the side, like it's twisted. She cannot walk, and can only perch on her other healthy leg.

This doesn't seem to be causing her any pain in particular. She had a vet visit when the problem was first discovered, and, while I was assured she was given a clean bill of health, I have not been given any other information on what the vet said. Since she is not in pain, I'm reluctant to take her in myself.

The bird is now in my care, permanently. It seems to me that her problem will likely heal in time. She may never have normal function, but the fact that she clearly has sensation in all her toes gives me hope she may learn to use the foot in a normal fashion. Regardless, at this point, I have a bird that cannot walk, and cannot climb.

She is living with my three other budgies in a fairly large cage. The cage does not have a metal grate at the bottom, because she cannot walk on any surface that does. I've added extra low perches at the bottom of the cage, and have moved the food and water down to the floor of the cage. She also has a plush hiding spot that she is quite happily making use of at the moment. The other birds, while curious, are also young and have so far been quite friendly with her. If I catch them picking on her at all, she will of course be separated into her own cage; I'm just aware of the social nature of budgies, and would rather not have her alone unless absolutely necessary.

To make a very long story short, I was simply wondering if there is anything else I ought to be doing for her. They're fed on Zupreem pellets mixed with a smaller portion of Ecotrition seeds, as my birds are still making the transition from seeds to pellets. Fresh fruits and vegetables are fed frequently. Is there anything specific I ought to be giving her that may help? Anything I can do?

I'm open to ideas.

These are the only photos I could get tonight before my camera's batteries died on me. They aren't very good, but it's her right leg, and you can sort of see how it sticks out, all twisted.



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