Crenicichla Regini


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Livestock: Aequidens Diadema, Crenicichla Regini, 3 Anostomus Ternetzi + 2 Pictus Catfish
Quantity for sale: 1 A.Diadema, 1 Dwarf Pike, 3 Headstanders + 2 Catfish
Reason for Sale: Changing stock around
Delivery or Collection: Both welcome
Sales price: See details bellow
Postage & Packaging: N/A But for the right home I will travel some distance especially for the acara.
Location: Hull, East Yorkshire
Photograph: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

1 Crenicicla Regini - Dwarf Pike cichlid, gets to about 3 inches. This one is a male and is about an inch and a half, looking for £5.


All but the dwarf pike are now sold.
Aequidens Diadema sold to Star 4. Sorted out on an other thread in the NW section. All other fish still available though :)
Hi Wills, I stupidly showed my little boy the pic of Amy (picked her a name already lol) and he spotted the pictus, he has been driving me mad for a pictus for ages now (he doesnt care their are already 2 in my tank he wants some for his tank) so can I buy the cats from you.
Yeah cool £10 for the 2 if thats ok? We named her Bailey but its upto you :)

Just got a bit frustrated with having so few fish in the tank, at the moment there is just 0 activity in the tank plecs hide all day pictus are quite nocturnal but that might be because my tank is quite bright. My partner is getting a bit disheartened because everytime we go to an LFS (which is quite a lot) she sees something that would work with out the acara. Plus after I found out the actual size they get too 8 inches rather than the 4/5 I thought feel a bit harsh keeping her in this tank for so long. But I bet she will be happy in Stars 400 liter :) Shame to see her go but just one of those things :/
Bailey is a nice name, I think that suits her, so she can stay Bailey. I think she will be happy in the 400l, but if anyone bothers her I have a 240l where I put any troublesome fish (not actually had to use it for anyone fighting yet, touch wood). £10 for the 2 pictus is great.
Cool yeah Im more than happy for her to come to you she needs a big tank I think, she shouldnt be much trouble to people in there now for example she leaves HRP fry alone and they are less than an inch. But be careful if you add new smaller fish like eg tetras as they could become snacks.

We called her bailey because of the chocolaty colour, also when we got her she had some scales missing and QI was on and it was the rhyming one and it was Bill Bailey = Scaly so yeah thats half and half lol :)
Just sold the headstander so just the dwarf pike available now :)
Shame - I'd definitely take it if I was closer.
Good luck with the sale
All sold now :)

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