Creatures To Clean The Substrate


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hi everyone, whats the best creatures to use to clean the substrate?
i will be having corals so must be coral safe.

thank you
hi everyone, whats the best creatures to use to clean the substrate?
i will be having corals so must be coral safe.

thank you
golden head sleeper gobys FTW!

True, but very difficult creatures to have. Many parasitic infections and/or eating problems. I would stick with a more hardier species like a diamond goby or a bullet goby, the bullet goby being not as agressive when it comes to sand sifting. If you're not looking for fish, try some nassarius snails.
I found an Orange Lipped Conch to be an excellent critter for maintaining the sandbed. Since adding it, I don't suffer with any algae on the sand and it also cleans the glass near the sandbed too.
Agree with AK :good:

I find sand sifting gobies fun to watch but would be annoying in my tank - sand evrywhere all the time. Zipzap's tank is a sand storm for a lot of the time!!

Seffie x
Agree with AK

I find sand sifting gobies fun to watch but would be annoying in my tank - sand evrywhere all the time. Zipzap's tank is a sand storm for a lot of the time!!

Seffie x

cool thanks guys
for a 4ft tank should i have 1 or 2?
.........and then add another one lol. I have one in my nano tank. With a 4ft tank you could easily support two. In fact I think one would OLC struggle to keep on top of it all in a tank that size. I made a new abbreviation :p

Cerith snails would also be a good idea, as they actually burrow into the sand in search of food. The conch buries itself when its sleeping or feels threatened but, mainly just eats surface algae and ploughs up the sandbed.

A good tip is to ensure that you have at least 1-2" of space between the glass of the aquarium and the base layer of LR, all the way around the sandbed. This will allow the conch access to all those areas that detritus and food collect in.
.........and then add another one lol. I have one in my nano tank. With a 4ft tank you could easily support two. In fact I think one would OLC struggle to keep on top of it all in a tank that size. I made a new abbreviation :p

If tank is mature, agree with AK but is it?

Seffie x
.........and then add another one lol. I have one in my nano tank. With a 4ft tank you could easily support two. In fact I think one would OLC struggle to keep on top of it all in a tank that size. I made a new abbreviation :p

If tank is mature, agree with AK but is it?

Seffie x

If its a new setup, then yes the conch's will need target feeding until there is enough algae and fish poop for them to consume.

Eeek, I just read his sig. No live rock at all. He's using a canister filter and plain old ocean rock. Sounds like the tank's been running for a while but crashed due to fake live rock??
.........and then add another one lol. I have one in my nano tank. With a 4ft tank you could easily support two. In fact I think one would OLC struggle to keep on top of it all in a tank that size. I made a new abbreviation

If tank is mature, agree with AK but is it?

Seffie x

If its a new setup, then yes the conch's will need target feeding until there is enough algae and fish poop for them to consume.

Eeek, I just read his sig. No live rock at all. He's using a canister filter and plain old ocean rock. Sounds like the tank's been running for a while but crashed due to fake live rock??

dont you remember me selfie?
i been here loads of times, yes tank has been set up for ages.
i just keep making these silly little mistakes and then things die.

found a great way to get rid of the hoards of algae on the rocks, a algae blenny. but he did so well he ate it all and before i could get to buy some algae flakes he dies. but will definately get some snails and a conch for the sand bed
Don't take it personally Robin. The elderly get a bit forgetful sometimes. :p
Don't take it personally Robin. The elderly get a bit forgetful sometimes. :p

Of course I remember you Robin :good: was just wondering if this was another or new tank :nod:

Ignore him up there :hey: I'm sure he is older than me :p he just pretends to be young and trendy!

Seffie x

I found a useful link that could help you decide?



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