Creative Aquascaping

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The second you tube vid, with Laura Dahl, are you sure you want to show that?

She cleans out the entire HOB filter media under tap water and replaces the filter cartridges :(
And not all her information is entirely correct either.

Would not be surprised if has mini cycles or spikes every time she does this.

Not recommended to clean filters in this way.

I always wash sponge media in old tank water and even then just half the media every time and then alternate clean the halves on each maintenance. Also don't need to replace cartridges, unless it's filter floss or similar.
Ch4rlie said:
The second you tube vid, with Laura Dahl, are you sure you want to show that?

She cleans out the entire HOB filter media under tap water and replaces the filter cartridges

And not all her information is entirely correct either
My comments on the videos were heavily tinted with sarcasm, I posted the links for entertainment purposes but maybe it is a case of if you don't laugh, you'll cry.
But please delete the topic if you think that would be better :)
Hi, I found it really funny to see that so called experts clean filters that way.
Well, she doesn't claim to be an expert and we all know anyone can post pretty much anything on YouTube (and they do) Yeah, the filter cleaning video could mislead some beginners into thinking it's ok to clean a filter that way, but the aquascaping video is pure gold!  I just hope those bubbleator manufacturers are watching.....
Thanks for sharing Blobfish :)))
She's having fun keeping her fish....Bless her heart
and there will be lots of fish keepers who do clean there filters that way, usually all the information you get is to renew the cartridges every two weeks or so, and therefore people believe their fish will be happy and healthy just following those instructions.
Yeah, I looked up on you tube "how to remove scratches from aquarium glass", and after 5 minutes of drivel she tells you the answer is NOT TO MAKE SCRATCHES IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I just shouted "you stupid ***** at the screen"
Blobfish said:
My comments on the videos were heavily tinted with sarcasm, I posted the links for entertainment purposes but maybe it is a case of if you don't laugh, you'll cry.
But please delete the topic if you think that would be better
Ah, did you make spoken comments on the vid.
If so, then I do apologise, I am deaf so can't actually hear what was being said, i took what I read on the vid as literal!
Oops, then in that case, I got the wrong end of the stick! 

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