I bought about 30 Cherry Shrimp about 2 months ago. Sadly (and I apologise for this, I didn't quite do my research before the purchase) I thought that the tetras wouldn't go for them, however they did and the numbers werre decimated until there were about 5 or 6 adults remaining.
The current stocking is about 15 tetras (X-Ray, Cardinal and Serpae), 7 Harlequins, 2 BN plecs and 1 Male Pearl Gourami (very very placid fella). Along with 7 amano shrimp and 30 odd cherry shrimp.
So the cherrys are breding happily now and the young are finding refuge in a loose bundle of java moss in the tank. I'd really like to give them all a little help to boost the population and provide something that offers them a good home with lots of hiding places.
Any suggestions on what sort of feature offers them this?
The current stocking is about 15 tetras (X-Ray, Cardinal and Serpae), 7 Harlequins, 2 BN plecs and 1 Male Pearl Gourami (very very placid fella). Along with 7 amano shrimp and 30 odd cherry shrimp.
So the cherrys are breding happily now and the young are finding refuge in a loose bundle of java moss in the tank. I'd really like to give them all a little help to boost the population and provide something that offers them a good home with lots of hiding places.
Any suggestions on what sort of feature offers them this?